Wednesday 7 October 2009

Yaaayy I have internet!! I shall post a more update blog soon...when I get back into the swing of my life.

Okay, so I still don’t have the internet. I should have it by tomorrow...that’s what O2 say anyway. We’ll see. I’ve just been to uni for an introduction meeting, hurrah for being back at Warwick. Jack came to the meeting with me; he’s such an odd fellow. He left for the north today, he’s been here since Friday, it’s been lovely :)

We all went for a meal as a house (plus a few extras) last night. Pizza Express, yuuss! It was so yum! Dough balls are actually beautiful. Marc was given a shot of sambuca and actually died. He’s the biggest lightweight ever, it’s quite cute. Although not very cute when he starts to talk about grim things no one wishes to hear. Ew. I just noticed a red wiggly line underneath “sambuca”; is it not a real word? Microsoft Word you a confusing devil.

Tomorrow I have approximately 1000000 emails to write to various people. I need (in no particular order); work experience, a job, my CV looking at, a new personal tutor, to join a society that isn’t a doss, and just to generally sort my life out. Internet would help ALL these issues. Gah. Damn you life. Also, whilst on the topic of damning, I got my loan through today. I am damning it because once my accommodation costs have gone out I am left with nothing, I go straight back to zero. Then I have to pay Mark and Meg for various things like bills and then £245 for my bus pass. It’s just not right and it’s quite upsetting. I’m officially going NO WHERE this month as I am far far FAR too poor.

On a lighter note though, this does mean I’ll drink less and eat less. And that can only be good, right? I want Han to get back from uni so I can unleash all these shocking troubles on her face. In the meantime I’m going to entertain myself with Cosmo and checking various things on my phone... I just logged onto twitter and saw an absolute beaut of a status from the guy who does “The Wright Stuff”, it says “Your views on some bookshops’ plan not to sell Jordan’s fourth autobiography in five years. Are they right to stop us buying what we want?” I laughed rather a lot at that. It’s quite funny. Why does she have so much to say? And why do people want to read it? She’s just so boring.

I just want it to be Friday so I can go to Kasbah with my favourite people and dance and laugh the night away <3.

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