Tuesday 25 May 2010

Emotional awareness of a carpet.

So basically my head is all trapped in this mega blob of revision, Ben & Jerry's and weather. FAR TOO MUCH WEATHER. I don't like weather, as in, I don't like any weather, I just want nothing all the time, a clear sky and not too hot & not too cold is PLENTY of weather for me. I don't feel the need to get myself 'in' the sun, my Dad has been drilling this weird compulsion for in-sun-ness since forever. I just don't wanna be in it, I want to sit in my room, feel it's warm rays and continue what I'm doing, unless I'm forced to go in to it due to peer pressure/uni/food/vitamin D deficiency. Saying all this (and consequently sounding like a moody old git), I did go for a picnic with Hannah and Marc, it was looveellyy :). Sat on our Ikea fabric thing (let's not lie, it doesn't deserve the titles of 'throw', it's not nice enough) cutting up a roast chicken in Jephson Gardens however, looked kinda weird...

Anyway, enough fun related crap. Recently I've been having more mood-swings than the British weather, yet I still seem to have the emotional awareness of carpet, very sorry. This does not bid well. 
Here are my diverse array of faces at this moment in time.

(I have drawn myself in some kind of monk-robe, obviously.)

So yes, they are currently my two emotions. There is no in between, it's a dangerous life (not for me, but for everyone who has to see me on a regular basis, I'd stay away from me, but people aren't allowed to stay away, as I'd quite obviously die without their attention and love). In a way to fight off these flip-sides of emotion I have turned to the one thing that I love and makes everything better, the one thing I can rely on, for hope, joy, love and loss....and a nice dose of "oh for fuck sake". Peep Show. When see-sawing between these two ridiculous emotions Peep Show gives a good balance of WAHOOO then OH FUCKING HELL. (I just remembered that Mitchell and Webb did those Apple ads, that feels like ages ago)

Oh and for those of you that didn't know, I am on a weird try-all-of-them-despite-some-looking-grim Innocent Smoothie kick. So far I have obliterated the following. 
kiwis, apples & limes (also YUM)
cranberries, blueberries & cherries  (so. bloomin. strong)
I have just bought pineapples, bananas & coconuts and it genuinely looks like it's going to be horrible. We shall see when I have it tomorrow morning. For this smoothie the logic is very much "take couple ov fings from a place dat iz well hot, like propa forrin hot, an add bananas, coz we alwayz add bananas". We'll see...

Also, episode 2 of Junior Apprentice, YES PLEASE. Adam, your charm was crushed by your incessant MUMBLING. Jeeeez. Zoe was an air hostess :\. Tim was gooood (I'm acknowledging my pervness, feel free to acknowledge with me). Still don't care about anyone really, they're all comical in their own ways. Rhys is hilarious, just his face, it's so brilliantly expressive. 

Pralines are why I exist.


  1. How the FUCK can your 'blackberry and strawberry' smoothie contain half a blackberry and half a strawberry???!!! Yet the 5 grapes they mercilessly crushed are not even mentioned in the title. Innocent? I THINK NOT!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx ily

  2. You have SUCH a good point, Nikki. That's madness. Blates false advertising.
    ILY MORE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
