Sunday 24 October 2010

Things that are embarrassing: #1

You listen to crap early 2000s pop music with flatmates one evening, later on you update your iPod, forgetting that everything on the 'Recently Played' playlist will be synced on to it.

The next day your iPod is on shuffle, you get into the Library lift, you're listening to a lovely acoustic song by Laura Marling and that song finishes, the next song comes on very loudly and everyone in the lift can hear it. One person even giggles. Everybody in the packed lift stares at you.

This is the song.

I should have just died. Right there.


  1. ahahahhaa, this made me laugh
    i actually have a copy of that single somewhere...

  2. feel NO SHAAME.
    [i saw them that, THAT is shame]

