Saturday 1 January 2011

New Year

Seen as it is January 1st I thought I'd do a beginning of the year post, which - because this is me - will probably turn into some chat about crap. It's fine, let's sail through...

For starters:

- I broke my laptop charger because I'm a clumsy idiot.
- My camera broke and now takes well fit pictures of pink blurs. Everything is a pink blur. Fascinating.
- Pokemon is a life-sucker-upper.

Right, ok, now for the new year crap. I don't really do resolutions, mainly because I have very little motivation to do anything that doesn't come under my "really important shit" category; and a change of calendar will not make me less lazy, as much as I'd like it to. However, I will continue with my life thing of trying to make the best of life and I'll try to continue writing in my journal....possibly. Very much a land of 'possibly' and 'try'.

For New Year some freaks and I ventured about drinking wine and whiskey. This is all I'm going to say, as no-one wants to hear what I did. I'd just be typing it all out and I think I'd get bored writing it. Not to say it wasn't a good night, it was a really good night, but - as with most nights out - it's boring to relay the events back to people who don't know who you're on about. There's nothing (/a lot of things, but I'm exaggerating) worse than having to listen to a load of anecdotes about people you don't know/just don't care about. I sound miserable, I'm not, I just get very bored of "lad" stories and such.

Speaking of New Year's Eve, people who are like "I'm not going out on New Year's Eve, fuck NYE, it's not important", please shush, nobody cares if you stay in or not. It isn't some act of rebellion to stay in, it's perfectly normal. You don't need to justify the fact that you're not going out, it's finnneee! Not judging.

I'm now going to sit about for the next hour until this Father Ted night starts on Channel 4, how lovely. I may read my book.

You're all lovely :)

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