Friday 3 December 2010

I hate Pitbull.

I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who occasionally does this face at the music in the charts. That gif is a good choice, actually - as it is all a copy of a copy. All of it sounds painfully similar. I'm not going to do some annoying analysis of this song, as amusing as that usually is (you're all so disappointed!)

The comments on this video reinforce my opinion that people do not know about good music.

Pitbull's arrogance and lack of talent combined with T-Pains non-lyrics just upsets my poor ears. I already despise Pitbull, as he's does nothing, NOTHING. He also doesn't help himself with his whole "I know you want me" spiel. I find it hilarious that he's not good-looking in the slightest yet is like I KNOW YOU WANT ME. No, no I do not want you *shakes head*. However! Despite his incredible lack of talent, arrogance and his love for featuring on so many other shit chart songs it's offensive, he does have his hoard of bikini clad women. You know the ones, right? They do that dancing thing where they don't really dance, they just stand there and slightly move their arse a bit and their arms up and down, they have their mouths slightly open in a half gawpy/half fake-porno-face way and they do that really weird squinty thing with their eyes. It's hot stuff.

Basically, he looks like the man that did our gas and central heating back home, and he probably has just as much talent as him, too *

Some things never get better...(Pitbull songs, winters, the Tories opinions on things, etc...)

*No offence to Bill, you did an excellent job on the heating.


  1. i couldn't agree with you more haha, i think the same things when i hear Pitbull

  2. Ditto man. Ditto.

  3. LOL too true! especially the bit about the women, they wouldn't be half as 'hot' if they didn't have all the makeup on anyway! I HATE PITBULL, arrogant barstard.
