Monday 13 December 2010

Progressive nonsense

I saw this video a while ago and at the time was a bit like 'meh'. Literally that was all the emotion I could sum up. However, I was reading Guido Fawkes, as you do...and I came across the video again. But because times are as they are (what a stupid saying) then I figured I'd just highlight odd bits of its hilarity.

I wouldn't bother watching it all (/any of) the 8 minutes and 40 seconds of it, it's so dull and tedious. I've seen it twice now and I'm about to watch it a third time, FUN.


At the beginning they ramble on about how they've been on the side of progressive change for YEARS, years guys. Progressive conservatism, because an oxymoron is where it's at. The thing more hilarious than that statement is that they say "Look at all the wonderful things our party has done, isn't it fabulous!" and then at the end they say "David Cameron has brought change to the Party". You can't spend a whole video telling people why you're so brilliant and then go "...ah, well all this progression throughout the years of the Conservative Party just wasn't working, ya know?  We need a change in direction (but not really), so we become even more progressive than we were (actually weren't)."

If you don't like actual policy shit skip the next two paragraphs. 

I generally just despise the whole "Look what we did" feeling in this video. The legislation they introduced wasn't put through because they had the interests of the people at heart, it was put through because they had no other choice, as so many people were campaigning for change; whether that campaigning was by some feminists or moral purity campaigners (re: the many acts of the 1880s, specifically this one, even though that's hideous in many ways) or campaigners (for example, re: working class men getting the vote).

They also say that in 1923 that Stanley Baldwin came up with a comprehensive old age pension. For starters, we (Britain) got Old-Aged Pensions in the 1908 Act under the Liberal Reforms. It wasn't that good, considering you had to be 70 to claim it and bugger all people got to that age. And yes, I'm aware that pensions underwent reform in 1923 and the Tories can cling onto that smidgen of progression, but to be honest, our pension system is piss-all in comparison to many other countries at this period, so they can piss off. AND they state unemployment benefits as their 'thang' too, that comes under the Liberal Reforms too, I'm afraid, there were reforms to it in the late 1920s/early 30s, but they just made it all worse (because  unemployment benefit was cut after the Wall Street Crash, smart move). AND they state health insurance as theirs too...achem...again, Liberal Reforms. Any increase in provision is mainly because they had to...can't fight a war with a sick nation, right?

Are we picking up a pattern here? Any idea who's interests they have in mind? Anything at all???

I'm missing out a massive chunk here because it's SO.VERY.BORING. But basically, we have an NHS (Labour's doing), some Education Reform and apparently some new homes to live in. How dandy. AND women can vote, jeeez, it's all coming up good for Tory governing! (Not really though, let me emphasise that).

NOW FOR SOME THATCH. There's a change of music and everything before she comes on waving her witchy arm about. My favourite bit of this whole video (as I'm sure you can guess, there are many *rolls eyes*) is where they say "SLASHED PENAL TAX RATES" and a bit of red-tape is cut and floats away. Ahhhh, what imagery.

I'm ignoring John Major completely. You wouldn't have noticed unless I'd said, don't lie.

The only bit William Hague gets is HELPED SAVE THE POUND *snorts*. Well done, Will. I found this bit almost as funny as the red tape bit, not quite, but nearly.

At the end they have all the images of the Conservative leaders moving from left to right, so it's like you're going back in time but actually you're going forward in time because the leaders are going forward in time. I don't know if that's just me being picky, but I dislike that. I'm probably the only person in the world to have noticed this.


1 comment:

  1. (Y) Why can't more people be more open minded like yourself? It annoys me, the ignorance in this country!

    Loved what you wrote, think this blog is going to my favs. ^^
