Monday 19 April 2010

Ramblings about people and fame

This blog genuinely has no purpose, I'm writing it to fill a gap between now and bed. So for anyone that actually reads this thing, it will be a collection of shit thoughts that probably do not matter to you at all. Feel free to read though.

I was discussing/bitching with Meg, after watching the most recent America's Next Top Model, how annoying it is when people either don't dress for their shape or seem to think they dress really well, when they don't. Me and Meg (Meg and I, Meg and me? I've no idea) are quite normal dressers, we wear normal clothes on a day to day basis, LIKE MOST PEOPLE, and our knowledge of fashion and clothes is probably just the same as a large majority of girls our age. This is obviously something everyone knows, and I'm not proclaiming that I am the first to say it, and that's the point. If people want to be noticed for something they have a passion for, they can't be doing what everyone else is doing (unless you're another indie band, because they're all so very similar and still all achieve fame, weirdos). The reason people (usually...) gain success is by being different. Again, I'm saying nothing new, this is why I told whoever you are not to bother reading this, as you'll have heard it a million times. My main point is, if you want to achieve fame, whether it's internet fame or Jimi Hendrix fame, you can't just get your name heard and expect everyone to be a fan, the thing you're trying to be famous for has to be good as well. I don't see why this isn't obvious to people, well...okay, it is obvious to the majority of people, but the majority aren't seeking fame (I'd like to think that anyway).

I dislike people who actively seek fame, as if it's the answer to all their problems. I enjoy recognition as much as anyone...okay that's quite possibly a bit of a lie, as I hate not being recognised for something I've done. I get really angry. That's not me seeking fame though, obviously, it's just me wanting a right to the recognition I feel I deserve (in some cases I am being a whiney attention seeking bitch though). I dislike the need that some people have to be first to EVERYTHING, especially those knobs on YouTube comments who put "first". I guarantee that each one of those people IRL is a prick...or at least a prick on the internet, which is really the worst sort of prick. Fame is terrifying, I genuinely would not be able to cope with it, and I don't think the majority of people would be able to cope with it, as much as they think they might. Jeez, even famous people can't cope with it. Associating one thing (especially one that is so unlikely) with some kind of eternal happiness is so painfully naive and kind of douchey.

I enjoy writing all this crap, knowing that whoever reads it will be no smarter (but probably a bit more stupid) than before reading it.

I like documenting my life in this blog because I have a slight fear of forgetting everything that once mattered to me, even if the stuff that did matter was commonplace and really wasn't important enough to be remembered in the first place.


  1. Stop putting yourself down - I read a couple of your posts and you have a really great writing style!

    Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling, it means so much that you like the blog and I hope you become a regular visitor =]

    Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
    English Rose x

  2. @TommyStark0109佩政 Couldn't be more true.

    @English Rose Ahhh, thank you for reading my posts, any reading is much appreciated :). A confidence boost is always welcome, thank you :)
