Tuesday 20 July 2010

Stop tarring people with that brush, jeeeez.

'Their gayness is being shoved in my face"

I never really get what people mean when they say 'I don't mind it, just don't shove it in my face', when they're referring to gay couples on television. What does that even mean? Okay, so I understand that not everybody has settled in to the idea that gay people are JUST people, I understand that, the whole 'it's a different generation' thing. However, it annoys me when a gay couple are mentioned or appear on TV and people assume they're literally having all this gayness shoved in their face (seriously, I'm not even joking, I hear comments like this far too often). I mean, what, really? Gayness? I don't even get how someone's 'gayness' could offend you. Especially when they're just chatting, just like friends, no mention of their sexuality (but obviously because they're gay then everything they're doing is in a 'gay way' *rolls eyes*), their gayness is clearly being shoved right in your face, yeah and when straight couples kiss or chat then straightness is being shoved in your face, yeah sure...that's how it works. Urgh. No. Please hesitate to speak again under you realise what a double-standard lover of a fool you are :).

I'm not racist, but...

I'm not even bothering to have many a sentence for this one (maybe...you know I get carried away in thought). Blackpool is a white town (and by white I mean Caucasian, not cocaine, although it depends, if you thought cocaine you can have a point anyway), it has a lot less ethnic minorities than its residents would like to think. However, my gosh is it full of racists. All I really have to say to the dear residents of Blackpool and the surrounding area is, please stop hating people you never come in to contact with, also stop treating them as if they're all some kind of mega cultural robotic force here to tear down your pretty white empire. Stop wanking off to your own hatred and get a hobby (or just read a book, a good book, the sort without pictures).

You go to uni? Urgh.

This is driving me INSANE. If another person looks down on me because I go to uni then I may just hit them with my Giddens' (chunkiest book, ever). I really do not understand the thought process behind not-going-to-uni-snobbery. I know I'm not the only one who has had to listen to this shitty snobbery, quite a few of my friends have had it too, not just from the odd randomer, but from family members *shocked gasp*. I know, ridiculous right? The people who are meant to be supportive, end up jumping on their 'I'm fine and I didn't go to uni" bandwagon. I am so over hearing that sentence. I'm not implying you're not fine, I never doubted for a second that you're not fine, jeez, calm down. It's not like I'm going to uni so I can be like HA, I HAVE A DEGREE, FUCK YOU EVERYONE ELSE. I mean yeah, that part is pretty cool, but I'm doing it because it's the only way I can do the job I want to do (which is be a teacher, and quite frankly, is a nice job. I'd quite like to be thanked for doing this degree. Okay, maybe not thanked, but ya know, not called a snob for doing something that's going to help others). Just because you're fine without your degree, doesn't mean I would be. Would people stop tarring everyone with the same brush, jeeez.

In fact, I think that line goes for this whole blog.



  1. 'wanking off to their own hatred'

    ahahah I love it.

    Also, hit them with MY Giddens book as it has long been established that it's not as pretty as yours. You getting it covered in the blood of morons would give me a neat excuse to buy a shiny new one :D

    As for the degree thing. They're just insecure. I know it's cold comfort but if they were really so happy they wouldn't feel the need to go on about how happy they are all the fucking time.


  2. Oh Hannah, you do make me smile :)
    Shall we both beat them with both of out Giddens books. I'm sure the Archer would be pleased we're using the books for their rightful purpose :)

    The degree thing is really annoying. You're right about it though. Saying something enough times doesn't make it true. (*cough* Marc being bi *cough*).


  3. aahahah you'd better hope he doesn't read this blog!

  4. Ahaha, I don't think he does. I'd say it to his face though, so no worries :P :D
