Thursday 1 July 2010

Shit jokes.

It was my birthday yesterday (I will blog about this when I can be arsed, I am far too tired right now) and Mark got me this card.

I can't even explain how funny I found it. I am that person you buy shit joke cards for. Remember those CGP books we had in high school and college? The jokes at the bottom of those were AMAZING. Obviously everyone else in the class thought they were shit, but I appreciate a shit joke. Some of them weren't even jokes, they just made me giggle. It was quite embarrassing when people already thought I was a bit of a nutter. I have my A2-level Sociology CGP book with me and I just had a quick gander through it, there are some right gems. (I will write two because you'll hate me for making you read such shite [in your opinion, bitches]).

"Lots of religions don't condone sects before marriage" HA. Brilliant.
"What about the free sample?" (on a page about research sampling). Haaaa.

This is a part of me I should probably keep a secret due to it being really weird and probably not socially acceptable.

I will leave you now with a slightly funny thing I heard earlier.
There is a sofa shop, it's called Sofa King. It's tag line for its shop is "Our sofas prices are Sofa King low."


(If anyone ever finds a book of shit jokes, tell me. I'm totally there).


  1. Happy birthday for yesterday. I like the card too, its cute.

  2. omg, CGP books!! Now they WERE hilarious - even the back covers managed to take the mick out of themselves :P


  3. @Chloe Thank you :D The card's amazing.

    @Danni - I LOVED those books. I'm glad someone else finds them hilarious. They were brilliant <3
